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Productions – Gen3M ~ We're changing the world Skip to content



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THEATRE -(click)

Is that you? Your destiny? Have you entered your Pledge to help humankind? If so, it’s time to audition.



 The Children’s Manifesto (Audio)

Apart from being recorded in the country of origin of the respective language,  the multiple-language recordings represent Australia’s multicultural community and the voices of Australia’s youth. With the voice of Indigenous youth to be added, “The Children’s Manifesto” will reverberate from Uluru  and Sydney Cove to countries around the world and help to shape the future of this new Millennium. It has been translated and recorded in 12 languages with more to come.

The Children’s Manifesto

Young people around the world are supporting one of the most audacious attempts to bring awareness to the plight of disadvantaged children globally. Hundreds of students from Champagnat College, Australia blazed a path into the 3rd Millennium and beyond.

They declared  The Children’s Manifesto ; carrying the legacy of the children of the 2nd. Millennium into the future.

Hundreds more students, those of La Salle College, in the Philippines then offered their support, recording “The Children’s Manifesto” in English and Tagalog, as the legacy was sent onwards to Peru and Brazil for their recording in Spanish and Portuguese, on and on…..


1Bloodstain (Audio)