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Gen3M ~ We're changing the world – Welcome to the First Generation of the 3rd Millennium Skip to content

What is Happening?

We are letting the world know that we have come of age and one of our priorities is getting some assistance to disadvantaged children, while protecting Planet Earth.


2025: The eldest of Gen3M turned 21 in 2022. Now we are focused on ensuring a clean Planet Earth with carbon emissions reduced to zero asap. We will represent those younger than us, until they too, come of age.

a Gen3M priority is to help address Covid-19’s devastating effects on our global economy. Governments have been plunged into debt, paying for initiatives to keep us all safe from the deadly virus. We’d like to do what we can to help reduce, and ultimately eradicate, the debt, while returning to life as we once knew it asap.

Student Action

Students of numerous universities are assisting young people around the world in their support for one of the most audacious attempts to bring awareness to the plight of disadvantaged children globally. Hundreds of students from Corpus Christi College, Maroubra, Australia, blazed a path into the 3rd Millennium and beyond as they declared “The Children’s Manifesto” carrying the legacy of the children of the 2nd. Millennium into the future.

Thousands more students, in many countries around the world, are supporting “The Children’s Manifesto” recording it, as the legacy grows across cultures. It has now been recorded in Arabic, Farsi (Persian), French, Filipino, Mandarin, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Urdu and Sign with lots more being added – the global voice of Gen3M

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