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– Positions available: paid positions and volunteer positions available.

– As Gen3M, we need entrepreneurs to lead others in addressing issues like climate and the covid debt, while leaving a legacy for future generations.


Partnerships? Send your proposal  e.g. Gen3M Health- Are you CEO material? 

– The Gen3M self-definition song and all that goes with it, has been launched.


If you wish to apply, please write “#Gen3M” in the Subject tab of your email to

GEN3M LLC’s Investment body will provide* seed capital to finance activities for successful applicants.

We are looking to expand a small council, irrespective of ethnicity or location globally, to handle international operations. (Equity participation options) Arabic, Chinese, English- taken, French, Farsi – taken, Hindi, Japanese, Russian – taken, Spanish – taken.

Admin & Customer Support:

Address our global personnel recruitment structure.

Personal Assistants are required for each of the respective languages.

Arabic, Chinese, English- secured, French, Farsi – secured, Hindi, Japanese, Russian – secured, Spanish – secured

Accounting & Analytics:

Who will be CEO of, our futures exchange?

Are you into accounting & stats for rego of Gen3M people. Gen3M Demographics needs YOU!

Who can manage the online auctions for sale of Gen3M options?

 Can you write grant submissions for a charity? Welcome aboard. Our charity is 100% eligible for numerous grants.

Interested in assisting with the expansion of Bank of God’s Trust as a neobank?



We need creative thinkers; creative designers; graphic artists. We need strategic planners. You’ll provide a path & format for those above.

We need definition of what you hope to see achieved by your generation and a structure for achievement. We’re pitching to a global audience.


Arts: Drama & Music:

Want to cut to the chase and enter the singing competition for Gen3M? CLICK HERE

  • We have song videos, movies, TV & theatrical productions, all in various stages of production. We need singers and actors. With cast finalised, we merge with members of the council on income producing possibilities. Music, clothes & product placement are the initial commodities. Trademarks have been registered; others in the process.
  • The basic Gen3M song has just been recorded in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Hindi, Japanese, Spanish and Russian with Sign Language still being finalised. The translation movie script is also being modified & translated to accommodate the various cultures, as is the media series. 
  • We need judges for our Talent competition, “Quasars”.  The SOS response songs of Kids 4 Kids are in the mix.  If Ziggy Stardust isn’t here to sing it, who feels the spirit of his songs within them? Move over Eurovision.
  • We need to extend our media production unit. Producers, Directors, Camera & Audio personnel.


Journalism students

You’re the key to it all, the motivation, not just the recorders.

You write grant submissions for a charity? Welcome aboard.

Each country needs a voice. Will you be a voice for your country? e.g.;;


The billion dollar corporation, 3M Corp. was blocking trademark registration of GEN3M.  What a fight! The GEN3M fraternity won the right to register the name. Social justice advocates, please log on.


IT & Networking

–media streaming to be delivered to UNIs with each monthly Summit meeting.

You’re a web developer? needs to assist disabled future Olympians. Kids 4 Kids needs re-structuring

You feel that you can be a domain manager or social media manager?,;,,, 


Familiar with Option contracts? Perhaps experience in drafting contracts?


Let’s go!  ecommerce for our clothes lines initially and we are happy to look at online franchises.


Science & Engineering:

We need a phone/games app utilising our various domains, finding clues to find prizes. Fridanians vs Mondonians? Thuranians vs. Wedozians? Will the Sundonians win out?

Sales & Marketing:

We have a walk-up start for Marketers. Approach major TV stations here & o/seas. Lock in some contracts.

We need liaison personnel to approach the major broadcasting entities in respective countries, to negotiate the national broadcasting rights for the Gen3M media series and movies.

We ask you to suggest a level of functionality, delegation etc for yourself, if you wish to function commercially at a higher level (e.g. Fred Bloggs –apply to be Sales Manager. “I can manage a team to sell 100 T-shirts”).


We support the initiative “The Children’s Manifesto”, created to assist disadvantaged children and the charity, Kids 4 Kids Inc.

What is the single, strongest factor that you can contribute?


Product placement in the songclips?

We can pay you now in cash or in product equity – futures shares!

What is the single, most important goal of yours, where we can help you to succeed?

Can you initiate a theatrical production at your alma mater (school or uni)?

Priority for employment will be given to entrepreneurs in the first instance. If you think you can be of assistance and need to be paid full time or part-time, don’t wait for an ad to appear, just email us with your CV and an advice on how best you feel you can contribute to the goals of GEN3M.

Mary Patel

Reporting directly to the CEO

Employment with Gen3M


“*seed capital is also referenced to provision of business advice and information relating to loans, finance and capital; and preparation of reports relating to finance and investments.”

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